Popular Items This and That Cellphone with Camera, Minus (Negative) Ion Goods, Thick Bottomed Shoes, Card Games (Some of the Otakkies were addicted to them...), Bayblade(A kind of Toy Top), Snowboarding, Junichiro Koizumi, Ayumi Hamazaki, Morning Musume, Prostitution by school girls in the name of "Helping Association", Crimes on the Net, Harry Potter Books and Movies, David Beckham, Becckham Hairdo, Japan & Korea World Cup Games, the measles, BSE(Mad Cow Disease)(There has been a rumor going around that Mr.Houmei is suffering from it・・・), Shio-Jii the Minister of Financial Affairs, Kickboard, Roller Shoes, Supplements, HipHop(Mr.Tana would often sing to himself !?)、Brown hair ・Red hair ・Golden(Fair) Hair (We are afraid Mr. Matsu has done such damage to his hair that someday soon in the future he might get bald・・・・)、Old Clothes、Long muffler、Influenza, Shimauta ( an Okinawan song ) , Why is it so ? by Tetsu and Tomo
My Boom Ghibli's animated film works (Abe-chan loves them, which doesn't match his face・・・)、Plum flavored Cough Candy、Ginger Ale, Tuna Rice Balls, Jagariko(Potato Snack)、Mousse Pocky, Chocolate (Speaking of chocolate, Mr.Suzu was a great eater of it...), Milkbread (Don't eat it during class, Mr.Tori ! )
News and Events 9.11 Terrorists' Attack in the U.S., Where is Mr. Usama Bin Ladin ?, Ikeda Elementary School in Osaka , Muneo House, Where has Ms.Makiko Tanaka gone? Beef Scandal by Japan Ham and Yukijirushi, Drastic Combination of Major Banks, Great Restructuring, Price Destruction, Imperial Princess Toshinomiya Aiko was born, Victims of the Kidnapping by the North Korea returns home after 24 years, Musician Komuro gets married, Singer Hikaru Utada gets married, Tama-chan the seal, Stock Price goes down to less than 9,000 yen, Mr. Koichi Tanaka ・Mr.Masatoshi Koshiba won the Nobel Prize for Science, Hideki Matsui became a free agent and decided to play in the US major league, for the NY Yankees!(Abe-chan declared a free agent and entered his defiant period!)、The Great Yokozuna of the Heisei era Takanohana retires retires from the Sumo ring.
Good Movies The Titanic, Star Wars EpisodeU, Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi ( Spirited Away ), Neko no Ongaeshi, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Monsters Inc. Shreck, Ice Age, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Leon, Shorinji Soccer, Suiken( Mr. T used to mimic・・・)The Spiderman(Mr. H appeared in this film・・・), Project A, Spartan X、 Suiken 2、Wild Speed, Green Mile, Eva, The Ring, Brother, The Dancer in the Dark, Juvenile, Reisei to Jounetsu no Aida, Onmyouji, Trick, Trick 2, Bio-Hazard, Pocket Monster Movies (Mr.Homei went to see it and paid only children's charge・・・)
Favorite Music and Songs Shima-uta, LOVE MACHINE(Kuma and Matsu would often dance to it・・・), Happy Summer Wedding, Kuchibashi ni Cherry, Winter Bells, Aitai Kimochi, Maid-san Rock(Sakagami sang this often at Karaoke Boxes)、Looking For、Pure、Aitakute, Tamashii no Refrain, Yanbo Maabo Tenkiyoho (Mr. T looks so like the two characters!), ff(fortissimo), Orange, Mugen, Beautiful, ONE WAY、 A Swallowtail Butterfly, Amairo no Kami no Otome, Grandfather's Clock, Shooting Stars, TSUNAMI, Sakurazaka, My Faith, Friends, Eternal Wish, One Night Carnival, Sotsugyo, Taisetsu na Mono, Kiseki no Umi, Tomodachi no Uta, Life's Like A Love Song, Buzz Style, Fly Me To The Moon, Secret Base, Vivaldi's "Winter," F.F.B., Koi no Uta, Yoru☆Kaze, Ai- wa-Katsu、Everything、Kaze-ni-naru
Favorite TV Programs NHK Morning Dramas(Churasan, Honmamon, Sakura, Manten), Kochikame, Sazae-san, One Piece, NHK News, With Mothers ( Mr.Kudo's Favorite), Mecha Ike, Oha-Sta, DASH, Toshiie to Matsu, Mezamashi- TV, Wan Nai, London Hearts, Gakkou he Ikou, Pussuma, Sekaino shasou kara, Sekaimarumie, Ito ke no Shokutaku, TOKYO FRIENDLY PARK, Remote、Otousan, Mito Koumon(Hama LOVES it !), Koi no Karasawagi, IWGP, News Station, Matsumoto Shinsuke, Shaberiba
Favorite Talented Figures / Actors & Actresses / Artists / Singers / Bands Moomusu, Kuraki Mai, Kago Ai (Kuma (who has a Lolita Complex ) loves her ! ), Kyoko Fukada, Yaida Hitomi, B’z, Mr.Children, GLAY、ZONE、SOPHIA、Do As Infiniity、Gospellers,  Kinmokusei, Yuzu, Kuzu, Porno Graffiti, Lime Star, King Gidora, RIP SLYME, GO!GO!7188,TMRevolution、 hide,X、 SMAP, Nainai, Ichikawa Somegorou(Matsu's Look Alike), Yuji Oda, Hama-chan, Yanagisawa Toru, Amano Yoshitaka, Kouda Mariko (Sakagami listened to her everyday), Torii Canon, Imai Eriko, Nakama Yukie
The Hardest Classes At School Mechanical Design(Sleepy), Workshops(So many, Tiring)、Basic Programming, English, MathematicsV(Ununderstandable, So Hard)、Basic Electronics, Japanese History, All Subjects (---We are very sorry for the teachers who kindly and patiently taught us!)
Enjoyable Classes At School Workshops(The face of the teacher was fun !), Computer workshops, Basic Programming, PE, Modern Society, Japanese, World History, Biology, Mathematics A, Mathematics B, None! (So Sad・・・.)
Pastime I was Most Absorbed in Video Games, Play Station2, RPG, GUNDAM, BALDR FORCE, Card Games, RAGNAROK, GV、Guitar, Karaoke, Fishing, Skating, Motorbikes, Highschool Life took most of my time!, Cops and Robbers, Sports, Make Fun of the Townspeople ( K・S S・M T・K were the victims and K・A D・T are the wrongdoers.)
Places I want to Visit Someday the TOKYO DISNEY SEA, Disneyland during the Christmas Special Event Seasons, The Hinterland of Aikawa, Girls' High School、the Universe, the Europe, Switzerland, France, the UK, Italy, Milan, Las Vegas, F1 Monaco Grand Prix, Island of Man , Mt.Rashmore, Monument Valley, Kyoto, Ibaraki Prefecture, Ishikawa Prefecture, Okinawa, Hot Spring during the wintertime, China, Korea, Heaven, the Moon, Inside the Moon, the Sky, Out of Kanagawa Prefecture, Animate, Everywhere in Japan, Yakushima island, Nowhere in particular
Things I want to Get Most Play Station 2、Personal Computer, Laptop Computer, MD Component Stereo Set, CD-RW, Bookshelf, My own Room, Wristwatch, Car, Sportscar, Ferrari, MINI, Motorbike, Harley, Vintage Levies, Clothes, Guitar, Driving Licence, American Short Hair(Cat), Minimum Living Environment as a Human Being, Nothing, House, Technique or Skill, Expressiveness, imagination, Powers of a flame、Girlfriend, Girl, Money, Love, Future
Types of Person (Girls ?) I Like A girl with long hair, beautiful woman, one with good character, one who never tells a lie, gentle one, cheerful and a little out of focus, Not Selfish, Always aware of the situation and ready to help, Good Cook, The Japanese Woman ( Yamatonadeshiko ), Lolita, Cute one, Compatible with me in temperaments, the one who has a beautiful heart, Funny one, Younger than myself, a girl who will not get mad at me even if I ride around on my bike or cars, Simple and Frank, Comfortable to Talk With、Cool & Good Looking, Nice Guy, the one who has a strong will and sticks to his opinion to the last, Always at one's own pace, Anybody
Reserved Special News Ekaichi Did His Best to Make Original Class T- shirts! But the School Festival was Cancelled・・・(That afternoon, Ms.M went to the Supermarket OK, and found there mountains of mourning buns, and bagged sausages ! Nobody knows that M's family had a "Mini Dog" breakfast the next morning!・・・.) A great fact was revealed that Hama-chan was an expert of "Crane Catchers" !,  Nishity Goes Naked !, Kuma passed the Test of Calculation Techniques, 2nd Grade, Hurray!A Mysterious ○○○○was set up in one of the students' shoe boxes!(○○○○ is the top secret!)